14 Valiant Nomads Almost Win the Day out West

A very undermanned New England Nomads team lost what was a thrilling battle with the Narribri Eagles at Leith Oval in Narribri on May 12th. Only 14 Nomads were able to make it to the Nomoi Valley with all of those turning up playing their hearts out. The usual crew of David Rampaging Richards, Wulu Hall, Nick Locke and the Ghost from Guyra, Mr Johnathan Frost were hard art it all day while Harry Wakefield was players’ player. Alongside them came the hard work of Liam the Ruckman Cudmore, Luke Palmer and Ru Browne. Final scores were Narribri 10.23.83 to the Nomads 10.123.72.

Readers should note that unfortunately the Bard of Broken Creek, Locky Ewart, was not able to write this week’s report due to being called away to the Pulitzer Prizes, hence we have reluctantly returned to the mundane writings of Correspondents Past

On the trip over to Narribri there was a great deal of anxiety in the bus with concerns over whether we would in fact have 14 players and whether we would be forced to forfeit again. The team on the bus as joined by Brayden Bloomfield and Daniel Son-of-Pothole Boyd from the Juniors and was joined by Hamish Morgan who travelled at Chukalisa-like speeds to travel from Coonamable in a couple of hours. Waiting for Hamish to arrive meant the Biggest Dawg, Coach Treweeke had to start the game on the ground to make up the numbers. The teams played 14 on 14 with the Eagles having 8 on the bench.

The first quarter began with the Nomads kicking westerly into the sun and doing better than one might have expected. Modra (still nursing stitches from his stoush with a belligerent window) was his elusive self in the middle while Frosty was a tower of strength in the backline. The Nomads went forwards a number of times but lacked a forward capable of taking advantage of their forays. Charles ‘Chuck’ Carson was one of the few forwards to look like troubling the Eagles backmen and the goals came from the midfielders. At the end of the first quarter the Eagles were leading 3.4.22 to 2.3.15.

The second quarter saw the Nomads change up their forward structure with Nick Locke and Harry Wakefield changing in the goal square and they provided strong targets and almost immediate results. Liam Cudmore was doing well in the ruck – and new-boy Daniel Boyd was doing well in the forward pocket taking some strong marks. Wulu Hall was running amok across the backline, using his David Campese goose-step to good effect. At the half time break the Nomads were leading 6.6.42 to 5.9.39.

The third quarter saw a seesawing battle. Frosty continued on with his brilliant form on the backline -attacking the ball and stopping the forward forays of the Eagles. Tiredness was beginning to take its toll and the delivery into the forward line was not what it should have been with the result that many of the forward entries were not as effective as they might have otherwise been. At the final break the Nomads were behind by 9 points.

Going into the final quarter it seemed that the Nomads were in a position to pull off a highly improbable victory, however tiredness really set in. Nonetheless, despite this, the Nomads were ahead at various points. All power to the backline who were under an enormous amount of pressure and hats off in particular to Rualri Browne and Luke Palmer, who have not played a lot of football but showed an enormous amount of intestinal fortitude and judgment in the backline. Very impressive. The difference in scores was only 5 points when the siren sounded but the Eagles kicked a goal after the siren to blow out the victory to some extent to (surprisingly 11 points).

Well done to the boys who made the journey and especially to Hamish the Supererogator* who went above and beyond duty to be at the oval. Let’s hope in future weeks we have a better turnout and we can show what the Nomads in 2018 really can do.

* Supererogation is the technical term for the class of actions that go “beyond the call of duty.” Roughly speaking, supererogatory acts are morally good although not (strictly) required

Round 6 2018

Eagles def. Nomads
Q13422 2315
HT5939 6642
Q391266 8957
FT102383 101272


  • B. Bloomfield,
  • D. Boyd,
  • R. Brawne,
  • C. Carson,
  • L. Cudmore,
  • J. Frost,
  • W. Gardner,
  • W. Hall,
  • M. Harriot,
  • N. Locke,
  • H. Morgan,
  • L. Palmer,
  • D. Richards,
  • J. Treweeke,
  • H. Wakefield,
  • A. Walsh.


  • H. Wakefield (3),
  • L. Cudmore (3),
  • N. Locke (3),
  • C. Carson.

Award winners:

  • H. Wakefield (Players' Player),
  • W. Hall (Coach's),
  • L. Cudmore (President's),
  • R. Brawne (Captain's),
  • J. Frost (Meehan's Plumbing Services').

2 Responses to “14 Valiant Nomads Almost Win the Day out West”

  1. Anoymous Says:


  2. Brian Taylor Says:


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