Nomads Best and Fairest Awards
Jed Ellis Cluff has won the 2015 Best and Fairest award for the New England Nomads with David “Modra” Richards coming second. Jed also won the players player award while Zac Economou won the goal kicking award.
Other award winners
Most Consistent: Paddy Tobias
Most Improved: Clarrie Barker
Most Determined: Wulu Hall
Best First Year: Phill Mitchell
Clubman: Zac Economou.
At the presentation evening Brendan Nolan was awarded a (very overdue) Life Membership to the club.
Best and Fairest Votes
Ellis-Cluff 44
Richards 35
Tobias 29
Keys 24
Hunt 20
Wells 19
Economou 14
Raymond 13
Mitchell 13
Foley 13
Barker 11
Spencer 10
Old 10
Hall 10
Whitby 9
Temoso 8
Petrascu 5
Mitchelson 4
Granleese 4
Garraud 4
Conor 3
Clarke 2
Macdonald 1
Darton 1
Players’ Player 2015
Jed Ellis-Cluff 176 votes
Richards 126
Tobias 124
Keys 98
Economou 92
Foley 79
Hunt 78
Raymond 76
Hall 56
Mitchell 54
Granleese 52
Barker 48
Mitchelson 38
Wells 37
Garraud 32
Spencer 27
Temoso 26
Connor 25
Macdonald 23
Walsh 17
Clarke 16
Whitby 16
Cook 13
Darton 12
Petrascu 11
Old 10
Dickson 9
Snowden 8
Chakalisa 7
Woodward 5
Shirley 5
Morrell 2
Kearney 1